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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  January 16, 2013 6:00am-7:00am PST

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helicopter crash, but the ministry of defense says it is not a military helicopter. the police commissioner said it was diverted to a nearby heliport when it crashed. we'll have details when we get them here in the newsroom. >> a little girl is safe after a man tried to snatch her from the arms of her mother. marla spoke to police. she's in san jose with what is being done to find the man who attempted to do this. good morning. >> good morning. one of the things i learned from my conversation with the spokesperson with san jose police is that the mother is so rattled by this incident, as we can all imagine. police are actually giving her more time to regroup before they ask her more questions in terms of learning about the suspect. here is where it happened. this is a home over my right shoulder here. this is on deo court. this is a half dozen or so homes and a cul-de-sac here.
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it didn't happen in a secluded area. quite populated here. that's a surprising factor of the story. police say it was 5:30 yesterday evening when the suspect walked by, saw a 2-year-old girl playing in her front yard. he made an inappropriate comment to the little girl. the mother happened to be watching. she didn't like what she heard so she picked up her little girl. that's when police say the man walked up, tried to wrestle the girl away from her mother's arms. he was not successful. the mother ran in to call police while the man took off on foot. one of the next door neighbors tells me this is not the sort of news any parent wants to hear. >> surprised. very surprised it happened right here. i'm sure we'll change some things. >> like -- >> sit down and talk about what we need to do. >> she did what she had to do. it was her child. i think we all fight that much harder. again, kudos to her.
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>> officer morales says the suspect is hispanic, wearing a red baseball hat, jeans and a white or light-colored striped shirt. the distinctive detail the woman gave police about the suspect, she said he smells like automotive oil. officer morales tells me the mother said she has never seen this particular man in this neighborhood before. so they have limited information that they are going on this morning. they will be out here later today to see if they can get more information from the mother. the good news is the mother and her daughter aren't hurt. >> help is needed to fly the bodies of two hit-and-run victims back to families in central america. they were innocent bystanders, struck and killed by a car trying to escape police after a new year's day shooting.
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the archdiocese is coordinating all the arrangements for the family. we are told it will cost more than $12,000 to have the remains flown home. also in san francisco police are looking for the man they say threw a dog to the ground during a robbery last month. police say bennett is shown running away after the attack on levinworth near mccallster. the dog was a pekinese mix who had to be euthanized. >> yes to help, no to a controversial consultant. this after a surge of violence on city streets. kristy smith is live outside oakland police headquarters with a look at what crime fighting is up against at city hall. good morning. >> oakland is dealing with 131 homicides. it's only january and they are looking for outside help.
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consider hiring a high paid police chief as a consultant who had success bringing down the crime rate in cities like new york. some of the methods have people in oakland worried it might create more of a rift between the community and the oakland police department. they packed into a public safety meeting last night and spoke out loudly. howard jordan tried to explain why he supports spending $250,000 to hire bill bratton on crime here. >> why don't you have howard jordan buy his book on amazon to hear what he has to say? >> reporter: opponents say bratton will use policies like stop and frisk. they say it would lead to racial profiling. jordan said he does support bratton but won't agree with a plan to put civil liberties and public trust in jeopardy. the committee approved using a
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consultant. doesn't necessarily have to be bratton. but the decision is up to the full city council. they will consider it next week. fl live in oakland, kristy smith, "today in the bay." >> today, president obama announced his proposal to help reduce gun violence. it is expected to include high capacity cliffs plus background checks on buyers. it comes a month after 20 children and six adults were killed at a connecticut school. also, meantime, a gun buy back program was so popular in marin county station they had to issue vouchers. in all 27 guns. participants were given $200 for semi-automatic guns and $1 # 00 for other guns. >> 6:06. we are watching the weather as we take a live look outside from
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san francisco. a pretty morning. it is a cold one. but we are expecting a little bit of a warm-up. >> we are hoping very much. christina loren will tell us about the good news. small at this point. >> you know what? i think you will be pleased. we're going to jump by 30 degrees. take the temperature. you don't have to be a math whiz to add 30 to 28 in gilroy. a nice day today. some getting in the mid to upper 60s. if you want the 70s, hold off a little bit longer. that's very warm by january standards, by the way. keep that in mind. we have unhealthy levels of pollutants in north bay. temperatures in the 60s today. a cool start makes way for a mild afternoon. you probably noticed the difference yesterday. warm sunshine was nice out there. i went for a hike. it was warm enough for that. the warm-up continues through the mid 70s. we'll talk about which beaches are going to be the best this weekend. we have some great beach weather to look forward to.
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however today, 60 degrees. 60 at the coast. 59 wednesday. you don't have to feel guilty thinking about the weekend. if you want to hit tahoe, the ski report is coming up in my next report. stay tuned for that. good morning, mike. >> good morning. south bay commuters, check it out. first of all the volume. you have a burst of traffic coming through 101 now starting to stick around. getting worse north of 680. volume and a live camera. look at the map. we have more slowing building up. 87 and 80 looking slow in the northbound directions. 101 gumming up north of 680 headed toward oakland road where there was an earlier accident crash in the second lane. it sounds like they are pushing cars to the should. that will slow the traffic headed up to the area. use caution for the next ten minutes until i can get an update from chp who should be arriving on the scene shortly. we have an updated location west 237 to north 101. through sunniville we see
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slowing approaching the interchange. there is a crash there sticking out into the slow lane. flashing lights to be sure. we'll look at the headlights and tail lights backing up. let's look at the toll plaza. the metering lights are on. you see the fast track lanes backing up and the cash lanes. coming from the east bay to the city. back to you. >> thanks, mike. dream liner flights headed into and out of san jose international airport are cancelled. japan grounded dreamliners after an emergency landing wednesday. the japanese television network was on the flight, shot video of the evacuation. there are reports that five passengers had minor injuries. a live look at san jose international airport. bob ridell will have a live report at 6:30. scott mcgrew will have insight throughout the morning. >> it's ten minutes after 6:00.
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coming up, a warning to parents and people who shopped for a child over the holidays. two massive recalls. a popular products. the risk to kids and how to return them safely just ahead. >> calls for changes in hacking laws after the death of a popular internet programmer. we'll look at it in business news. >> good old number 25 putting his home on the market. we'll tell you how much barry bonds's beverly hills mansion is going up for.
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>> announcer: you're watching "today in the bay." >> good wednesday morning to you. 6:12 now. two major recalls announced over popular children's products. the first is from target which is recalling about 560,000 of these two-piece pajama sets.
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they were sold last year from august through november. the pajamas do not meet federal flammability standards and may present a burn risk for children. return them to any target for a full refund. in the meantime, bugaboo is recalling 50,000 strollers. specifically the chameleon and donkey models. a button on the carry handle can be disengaged causing the handle to come off. contact them for a free replacement handle. >> good heads-up. it's 6:13. time for a check on the top stories. two people dead and nine others hurt after a helicopter hit a crane and crashed into a busy street in london. mott metro police say the helicopter was being diverted to a nearby heliport when it crashed in the fog. >> oakland city council is saying yes to extra help after a surge in violence this week. but saying no to bringing a controversial consultant,
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william bratton. he was the chief of police in new york and los angeles and is a proponent of many zero tolerance policies. >> today is the deadline for the justice department to join a lawsuit accusing lance armstrong of defrauding the u.s. government by denying he used performance enhancing drugs. the u.s. postal service was a long-time sponsor of armstrong's cycling team. still to come, a congresswoman wants to change hacking laws after the suicide death of a popular internet activist. >> the suicide of aaron swartz has people debating what's right and what's wrong. >> swartz took his life over the weekend. we mentioned in the past you can never point to a single cause for a suicide. certainly the charges he was facing in the hacking of computers at m.i.t. played a part. democratic congresswoman zoe lockran said it's time to update some of the hacking laws. a good number of people feel the federal government took vanl of poorly written or old laws to
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prosecute swartz for downloading academic papers without permission from a publically open network. lockran proposed the idea to change the law on reddit, the internet forum swartz helped create. originally swartz faced more than 30 years in jail. that had been reduced to a plea deal for six months. the woman prosecuting him, u.s. attorney carmen ortiz has become the target of criticism. so much so her husband, an ibm executive has gone to twitter to fight back criticizing the family on the day of the young man's funeral saying, truly incredible in their own son's obit, they blame others for his death. vice president biden will reveal his recommendations to fight gun violence. mr. biden met with groups including the nra and employees from the video game industry. the gaming industry, very uneasy with the idea of them being included in any discussion of real world violence.
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many wonder if mr. biden is trying to appear even-handed. the nra supports real people owning real guns was quick to blame video games for the violence at sandy hook. this morning it has its own video game for the ipad from the nra. it's a range in which you can try out various guns though some guns are in-app purchases you can get a beretta for 99 cents. this is free on the apple store. >> thanks, scott. >> it's 6:16 now. christina loren is back with us. warms my soul you talking about 30-degree increases. >> i thought you would say smooth jab for a minute. >> depends on the day. >> depends on the mood. a lot of things have to follow for that. it's cold out there. i'm glad to know something is warming you up. before you head out the door i can tell you it's more mild.
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as cold as yesterday. i won't play tricks on anybody. i like to tell things as they are. you can see we have more moisture in the atmosphere. a live look overlooking the city by the bay. a beautiful start in e san francisco. not as dry today. that's good news. it's been dry for the last seven years. temperatures as cold. 28 degrees in gilroy. 34 in santa cruz. 32 kgz in sunny vail. give yourself time. you may find patchy frost. no freeze warning. this is the first day of five we haven't had to deal with that. stay there is potentially to the 26th of the month. 10, 11 days out, not expecting a lot of action between now and then. highs in the upper 50s, low 60s. this is good news. temperatures in the 60s. this is above average. 61 in san jose. the south bay cities warm up the most throughout the next couple
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of days. santa cruz, looks like you could be in the 73 to 75 degree range this weekend. it will be comfortable. let's get to the squaw valley toyota ski report. they have six feet of fresh powder. take you to alpine meadows. 38 degrees. it will be lovely out there. conditions will hold up over the course of the weekend. looking good in tahoe. both resorts will be jam packed. by friday, 64 h degrees. we continue to warm up. you want to get the snow while it's there. like i said before, the storm track could stay north potentially through the 26th. that's where i'm eyeballing the date. let's check on the drive with mike. >> i'm eyeballing the south bay. we have issues here. north 101680 to old oakland road. we have an accident. a crash that took a while to clear from the roadway that's
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moved to the shoulder. we do have slowing. because the volume kicks up anyway. there is the slow down. as you approach the 680 interchange on north 101 it could cause folks to ditch to 280 and take 87 back up. might see the disruption to the triangle which sometimes ripples into downtown san jose. relatively early in the commute. starting to build. we'll track it. already seeing north 87 and north 101 on the approach showing the slowing. we have a crash over here. west 237 toward the 101. sounds like it is taking a while to clear it. 280 at 17 or 880. let me show you what we found. ace operations center operators mark and ben found this disabled vehicle on the northbound side of 280. traffic flowing past the scene. there will be flashing lights. that's the on ramp from 280 to 880. there could be disruption there. as the commute starts to build. peninsula, 101 here.
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shows more cars here but no slowing. between the city and the peninsula, a nice easy drive. i will get you to the maps again to show you how things are shaping up. south 880, slowing now. hayward, union city. typical commute. no problems. just a little slowing approaching the san mateo toll plaza and a typical pattern there. the bay bridge, let's look outside to see the backup. for the lights turned on, slow off the berkeley curve. we'll send it back to you. >> the giant slugger who wore number 25 on the field selling his beverly hills estate for $25 million. we are talking barry bonds, of course. wall street journal reports the mansion you see there has seven bedrooms, 14 bathrooms, a music room, theater and elevator. bonds will appear in a san francisco federal courtroom in february to appeal the conviction for obstruction of
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justice. that conviction is linked to an investigation into a bay area drug lab accused of selling steroids to professional athletes. >> with everything surrounding lance armstrong it will be interesting to see how things wash out for bonds. coming up, you thought it was cold. it is cold in california. not as cold as it is in tennessee. we'll show you wild weather that literally snaps a door handle off a car. brace yourself. that's ahead. >> yikes. look at the ice there. certainly not the case in san jose as we take a live look outside. downtown. not a lot of activity. we have an eye on the roadways for you. the forecast, 6:21. more ahead. stick around.
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>> announcer: you're watching "today in the bay." >> welcome back. taking a live look from portland, oregon, where we are understanding a woman is trapped behind a cinder block wall. you can see a lot of emergency personnel at the scene. they are look where it is. something we are watching as it's a peculiar situation this morning. 6:24. >> double checking with christina, it's cold in california but not as cold as tennessee. look at this. so bad a door handle snaps off a
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car. that's serious jack frost. wet and icy roads. >> i hope this is under warrantee. an icy rescue in colorado caught on tape. a man falls through a patch of ice on the colorado river. imagine how cold that is. the 60-year-old spent at least half an hour in that freezing water before the fire department's ice rescue team managed to pull him out. >> lucky to be alive. >> he's being treated for hypothermia. the man was apparently duck hunting with his dog when the dog fell through. the man tried to pull him out, only to fall through himself. he's lucky they found him. >> scary situation. that could be very dangerous on the ice. watch yourself. 6:25. we don't have to worry about it being that bad. it is chilly outside. christina loren is here to tell us about it. >> he might find a thin layer of
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frost on the vehicle if you parked outdoors especially if the car has been out and didn't move. 32 degrees in san jose. 28 degrees in gilroy. doing winds, helping to mix up the atmosphere and keep the coldness from settling to the sur fachlts we are one to two degrees warmer than yesterday. you probably won't notice that. later, highs in the 60s comfortable. warmest day we have had in five. we'll keep on climbing. your seven-day forecast is moments away. mike? >> hey, we are looking at the san mateo brinl where volume picks up but the map shows the 880 and 92 interchange. reports of a fender bender. all activity off to the right hand shoulder but a distraction for the slow down as the build happens every day now. slowing coming through liverer many. typical for the dublin interchange. at sheridan the on ramp to north
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680, i heard about a crash. it could be visible for traffic. we'll check on that headed out to have fremont. we have debris at the berkeley curve. west 80. there is a plastic pipe. there could be a traffic break coming through. watch that. >> 6:27. still ahead, emergency landing, cracked windshield, fuel spills and battery fire. issues continue to pile up on board dream liner flights. we'll tell you how tarmac troubles elsewhere are impacting new nonstop service in san jose. [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso.
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i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she?
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[ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. of green giant vegetables it's easy to eat like a giant... ♪ and feel like a green giant. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant crisis in the air. a string of issues bringing dreamliners down to earth. >> live to wall street to check out the new york stock exchange as they bring in the day. wait for it. [ bell ringing ] >> right on time. this is "today in the bay."
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>> announcer: from nbc bay area, this is "today in the bay." >> good morning, everybody. i'm john kelly. >> i'm laura garcia-cannon. more issues on the dreamliner planes. they are grounding service to and from san jose. japan grounding all dreamliner flights after this boeing 787 had to make an emergency landing after takeoff because of smoke in the cockpit. as a result, passengers and crew on board the flight were evacuated. we're told five passengers may have minor injuries. this morning, team coverage of the local impact of all the dreamliner issues. business and tech reporter scott mcgrew live in studio. let's begin with bob riddell. dreamliner service out of san jose international just got off the ground last week. now this. >> yeah, good morning to you. it's a disappointment here in the south bay this past friday.
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all nipon airways began its first direct service to tokyo on the 787 dreamliner. that dream for bringing $70 million plus to the south bay economy has been suspended as ana and japan airlines have grounded them for safety inspections. yesterday, one of ana's boeing 787 dreamliners had to make an emergency landing in japan after a cockpit message warned of a battery problem. a japanese tv crew was on board, captured on tape the evacuation which appeared to go smoothly. we can't hear of serious injuries. japan's transport ministry said this was a serious incident that could have resulted in an accident. in an e-mail to bloomberg news boeing said it is aware of what's happening and is working with the customer. this is the latest hick up involving the new dream liner n. the united states there have been problems including a
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battery fire and fuel leak which prompted the f.a.a. to begin a safety review of all 787 aircrafts. those flights that are between here and tokyo are suspended. there won't be the 11:40 flight scheduled to leave this morning bound for tokyo. i want to bring in our tech and business gou are you. scott, we were chatting on the phone. boeing struggled to manufacture this dreamliner. now it's having problems. >> boeing has had trouble with the dreamliner. it was delayed for years at the factory. shares this morning of boeing down 4% on this latest news. keep in mind boeing is a dow 30 component. let me point out, we were talking about this a week ago tuesday. long before the grounding, before the windshield, bad breaks or funny smells we were talking about questions about the 787, the dream liner and what was going on with it and how it would affect the boeing
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stock, if you were an investor. down about 3 to 4%. $2.94 to $74. the continuing question is this airplane safe to fly. the u.s. government continuing to say yes it is. keep in mind how new this thing is. all carbon fiber. radical new technology. it could just be that there are that many tweaks in it that need to be fixed. legitimate concern. it's not just any new airplane. it's a brand new concept of an airplane. that may be what we are seeing. >> it's getting a lot of attention. >> it is. >> thank you very much. >> hopefully work out the kinks before it's in the air. we are watching that frigid weather out there. we'll give you a live look at san francisco now. yes, it is chilly at this hour. but things should be warming up very soon. >> let's check the forecast now. christina loren. >> you're not buying it, john. >> i have to feel it to believe
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it. >> i will sell it to you now. get ready. a live look over san jose. a beautiful day shaping up. you can see a little bit hazy. it's a spare the air day. that's the bad news before the good news. there is a warm up. we had 60s yesterday. today we are slated to do the same. 33 degrees in san jose. 28 in gilroy. give yourself time and travel cautiously. it's cold enough for the formation of black ice this morning. filtered sunshine through the layer of haze. temperatures in the 60s. a cold start tomorrow making way for a four to six degree warm-up for today. expected in some cities. into the weekend, '70s on the way. we'll tell you which cities will be the best. if you want to hit the beach, it will be nice. bay side, 60 and 59. at the coast, the full forecast in a few minutes. nothing tells the story better than the 7-day outlook. 6:34. first we'll check your drive on a wednesday, hump day with mike.
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>> nothing tells the story better than this picture of how congested it is north of 680. extending on the map we'll see where it is. from 680 up to the scene of the accident, originally reported around north oakland. heading is a better off ramp as far as the reporting goes. still the same area approachingle 880. the crash affecting lanes of traffic. a big distraction. it plays out through the south bay. slow on the approach and beginning to capitalize. slow from capital to downtown for north 87. we have the 280 off ramp from 680 and 101 to downtown as well. we'll give you a look at the maps as we see south 680 slowing approaching highway 84. coming around. there is a crash reported south 680. that's your commute direction at sher dab. the accident, sounds like -- the disabled vehicle affecting the
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on ramp. the speed on the freeway hasn't been affected. the volume is building through pleasanton. looking at emeriville and the approach through berkeley. westbound 80 picks up volume. we are seeing slowing. richmond, berkeley around the curve. approaching the bay bridge toll plaza which is packed. the school district is paying $950,000 to a family whose 5-year-old special needs child was thrown to the floor and kicked by a teacher in a classroom two years ago. 52-year-old dina holder was convicted of abuse. but she was transferred to another brentwood school to continue teaching without a warning to parents. as part of the settlement, holder must leave the classroom now and retire at the end of the school year. >> it is 6:36. still ahead, a terrifying scene and a deadly inferno as a helicopter slams into city streets. the deadly after math as smoke
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and fire rips through rush hour traffic in london. >> students killed as explosions burst through a university campus. the search for survivors as the death toll rises just ahead. [ female announcer ] safeway presents
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real big deals of the week. or why it doesn't have to be an adventure to stick to your new year's budget. because safeway gives you real big club card deals each week. right now, a case of arrowhead water is just $3.33. folgers is $7.99 for the large size. that's a huge deal. rise and shine. simply orange oj is just $2.88. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life.
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>> announcer: you're watching "today in the bay." >> welcome back, everyone. we are taking you live back to portland, oregon, this morning. a bizarre emergency rescue going on this morning. you see the personnel there. we are told there is a woman that's trapped between a cinder block wall between two buildings. she fell 15 to 20 feet between the two buildings. it's some sort of parking garage. the thing is she is in a space
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just one foot wide. she's dangling reportedly about four feet from the ground. they are trying to bring out whatever they can do to cut through the cinder block wall to reach the woman safely. it's amazing to watch the amount of emergency personnel out there. no word on injuries for this woman or how she sustained them or managed to fall in between the wall. it's one we are watching. it's peculiar this morning out of oregon. 6:40 now. >> also this morning the death toll rising after two big explosions on the campus of a university regime. at least 87 people now pronounced dead. more than 60,000 people have been killed in serious conflict which began in march of 2011.
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>> 6:41. coming up a fiery crash. how a helicopter turned into a fireball that engulfed a busy street in london just ahead.
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>> announcer: you're watching 15 minutes of continuous news, weather and traffic on "today in the bay." >> now back live to portland, oregon, where a woman is trapped behind a cinder block wall between two buildings. this is a parking structure that the portland fire and rescue crew are there working hard. you can see they have the saws out there, trying to rip through the concrete. the woman is being reported that she fell 15 to 20 feet between the two walls. only about a foot of space there. she's stuck. neighbors are telling the officials they heard screaming around 3:00 this morning.
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they called 911. that's when everybody arrived on scene. it's tough because it is a cramped space for the firefighters. they are using tools, we are told used in earthquake access. right now this is a touchy situation. she's been there for a while now. for a few hours. we're told she's dangling four feet above the ground. so a tough situation. they have to be cautious as they cut into that and free her. we'll keep you posted. once again a woman trapped in a foot-wide space between a cinder block wall and a building in a parking lot in portland, oregon. >> we have an update to breaking news we have been following in london. two people are dead, nine hurt after a helicopter hit a construction crane. it slammed into a busy street below. witnesses say it was foggy up at the spot where the helicopter hit that crane. you can see there as well. the police commissioner said he believes the helicopter was being diverted to a nearby heliport when it crashed.
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>> 6:45 now. a mother fends off an attacker who made a brazen kidnapping attempt right in the family's front yard where officers say a man tried to take her little girl out of her arms. marla spoke with the mayors and police this morning. at this hour, a lot happened out there. do they have real leads? >> john, good morning. no significant leads at this point. we do have a suspect description but it's limited. we'll get to that in a moment. first i want to mention i did speak to the spokesperson with police. he tells me investigators will be out here today once again to interview the mother who went through this situation yesterday hoping to learn more information about this suspect. here is where it happened at this home right over my shoulder on deo court. it's a tight-knit cul-de-sac in front of the home. police say it was 5:30 yesterday evening when the suspect walked by. he made a comment to the
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2-year-old girl who was outside playing with toys in the front yard. the mother heard it, didn't like it. she went into protective mode, picked up her daughter and that's when police say the man tried to wrestle away the little girl from her mother's arms. she fought back, won the battle and called police. this morning i have spoken to a few neighbors here who cannot believe something like this happened in what they call a safe neighborhood. >> it's scary. >> i was very surprised it happened here. >> just to hold on for dear life. for somebody you care about. you have to commend her. >> officer morales says it is important they find the suspect calling him a danger to us. here's what they have to go on so far. take a look at the suspect description. it's limiteded but better than nothing. an hispanic man between 20 and 30 last seen in a red baseball
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hat, jeans and a white or light-colored striped shirt. police say the one thing the mother distinctly remembers about this man is that he smelled like automotive oil. police say the mother and her 2-year-old daughter aren't physically hurt. but certainly emotionally scarred. i'm sure that will last for some time now. if you know anything, call san jose police. live in san jose for "today in the bay." >> we are watching the weather this morning as well. taking a live look outside. look at the sun coming up over the bay area. a beautiful shot. it's another cold morning. we are expecting a warm-up. want to check it now. >> so do i. >> it's no fun to be bundled up in front of the heater all day long when it's sunny out there. today you can get out. you may be able to peel off a layer or drive with the windows down. that's not been the case. it's been chilly. 6:47. beautiful sunrise.
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we don't have fog. we do have smog. it's a spare the air day. however i can tell you the layer of particulate matter in the atmosphere makes for a gorgeous sunrise and sun set. in the north bay we have the worst air quality. this is a spectacular way to start the day. cold again. we have a little bit more cloud cover. temperatures are one to two degrees more mild than 24 hours ago. 28 degrees in gilroy. 34 degrees in santa cruz where we could hit the mid 70s by this weekend. that's all i will tell you. focus on today. visibility is dropping off as an indication of more moisture in the atmosphere. no real visibilities reduced to a quarter mile or so. it's not as dry. you don't need the chap stick in your pocket today. mild conditions. offshore flows in control. hazy sunshine today. 60s throughout the afternoon. you will notice as we head throughout the next couple of mornings your overnight lows creeping up. we should be out of the 20s
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tomorrow. go ahead and bring the plants back out. 58 degrees in livermore. 61 degrees in has gatas. through the next three days, temperatures climbing. 64 by friday inland. beach weather nice saturday and sunday. up to 68 degrees inland. 63 at the coast. we are talk about san francisco and oakland. we give you the bay side and coastal temperatures. pacifica. however santa cruz, 73 degrees, folks, both saturday and sunday. let's check on b the drive. over 17 and everywhere with mike. >> you're okay now. but you just added traffic forecasts for the weekend. we are looking at the south bay overall. 85 passing 17. typical build there as well as north 87 from capital into downtown. 280, normal around 880 but getting slower off 101. this is a backup that formed after the earlier crash around oakland road. it's still a distraction adding
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to the backup, the slowing as folks come around in the commute direction. trying to get out of the backup they cause more disruption. the ripple effect is on through san jose for northbound 101 and 280. westbound 287. one of the cars involved in the crash still in the roadway. they are having a tough time clearing it causing more of a backup. right around ma tilda another crash reported in lanes now on 237 going to make things worse coming in toward 101. slow south 880 to stevenson. a crash moving to the shoulder causing all the backup. as the volume builds, there's your typical build going into the slow down through fremont. south 680 slow. going to cause more distraction. it is moving to the shoulder. live look for 880 past oakland. the volume builds. seeing slowing through downtown oakland approaching the bay
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bridge toll plaza down the east shore freeway. they meet here with the metering lights on. typical pattern built back toward the main. back to you. >> in new york city a nanny will be in court facing charges of stabbing and killing two children she was caring for. a nightmare scene. yozlyn or te ga underwent psy psychiatric evaluation. a cnbc executive. he and his wife. a couple has now set up a facebook page and a fund set up in memory of their two children they tragedy lost. it is called the leo and lulu fund aimed at supporting youth programs in the arts and sciences. >> a follow up now to a story we brought you yesterday.
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the sonoma county sheriff's department say a man found dead inside the trunk of a car near sonoma state university is 31-year-old sean francis parker. police were looking for parker to question him about injuring his girlfriend during a confrontation friday. deputies say parker's death is considered a homicide. any connection between his death and that domestic violence case is unclear now. >> a court hearing set for today. a marin city man accused of sexually assaulting a woman during a home invasion in the telegraph hill neighborhood. jovan jones accused of pushing his way into the woman's home, threatening to kill her and raping her. jones was found hiding in the backyard of a nearby home. he was arrested on saturday night. >> opening arguments are set today many the trial of zing wu. he's charged with killing three co-workers at cy port back in 2008. prosecutors say he killed the
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company ceo and two managers after he was fired. prosecutors say he's eligible for the death penalty. it is thumbs-up for the plan but thumbs down to the man after hours of heated debate over how best to protect oakland from escalating violence. the safety committee voting yes to try to bring in extra help but against bill bratton. the controversial figure at the center of the contract. kristy smith joins us from oakland police headquarters with more. good morning. >> good morning. oakland is dealing with serious problems. 131 homicides to end the year last year. six this year. it's only january. a small police force. just the idea of bringing in this particular paid consultant to try to bring down the crime rate parked a lively and heated debate. hundreds of people packed in last night at city hall. they got loud booing police chief jordan, stopping him from
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explaining why he supports spending $250,000 to pay former police chief bill bratton to give advice on how to stop crime here. he had success in new york, worked in l.a. opponents say bratton will rely on stop and frisk-type policies that can lead to racial profiling. jordan says the consultant just offers advice. >> it's up to me to implement it. how and if i do it is on my shoulders. >> some supported bratton but it was hard to here them because the crowd was loud. chief bratton supports the plan. he won't put civil liberties in jeopardy for it. the public safety committee voted to recommend it. doesn't have to be bratton but the full city council has to decide on that. they will take up the issue next week. reporting live in oakland, kristy smith, "today in the
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bay." >> thank you very much. this morning, dream liner flights headed into and out of san jose international airport have been cancelled. this after japan grounded all of the dream liners in the country after an emergency landing on wednesday. a japanese television network was on board the flight and shot video of the evacuation. there are reports five passengers did suffer minor injuries. bob riddell joins us live from san jose international airport. a major blow to nonstop service. the city was just touting this last week. >> yes. you might recall this past friday they were anoupsing all nipon new direct service to tokyo. the 11:45 flight was leaving this morning. none of the people this morning will catch that flight. it's been cancelled. this was supposed to be a big deal and bring hope to the south bay economy in terms of money injected down here. it's not clear when the flights will resume.
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here is what prompted that grounding. one of the boeing 7878 dream liners had to make an emergency landing in japan after a cockpit message warned of a watery problem. a japanese tv crew was on board. captured the evacuation on tape. japan's transport ministry said it was a serious incident that could have resulted in an accident. the airlines have grounded all 787s to perform their own inspections. boeing said it was aware of what happened and is working with its customer. this is the latest pick up involving the dream liner. there has been a battery, fire and fuel leak prompting a safety review of the 787 aircrafts. on friday, this airport's name sake joined chuck reid and the u.s. ambassador to japan to
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support. they could inject more than $70 million annually into the south bay economy. of course it's when it starts back up and it's not clear when ana will release its 787 dreamliner back into regular service. if you were on the 11:45 flight to tokyo this morning it's cancelled. reporting live, bob riddell, "today in the bay." >> it's affecting more than flights. the plane's manufacturer, boeing, is a dow component. boeing pulling the index lower this morning. >> indeed. let's continue our coverage with scott mcgrew. >> the dow is 56 points lower this morning. boeing is a big part of that. going is down another 3% this morning. we are watching the markets and yelp. here's mark zuckerberg yesterday at facebook headquarters talking about the new facebook graph search. you're able to search out cool
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things like "tell me which indian restaurants my friends from india like best." yelp didn't like it. shares in the restaurant review site fell 7% yesterday on that news. they are down another 3% this morning. back to you. >> thank you very much. want to take you back live to portland where a woman is down, trapped between two buildings. they are using anything they can to cut through the cinder block walls. what happened is somehow she fell between two cinder block walls at a parking garage in portland. she's said to be dangling four feet from the ground. neighbors heard shouts and screams about 3:00 this morning. emergency crews rushed to the scene to get her out. we are told they are pumping
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warm air in between buildings because it's so cold. they have a blanket around her there. it's 35 degrees in portland. they have been fighting to get this woman out so far this morning. they're having a tough go of it there. we have seen them work on it for quite some time now. no word on how it happened. how she managed to fall between the walls. >> scary stuff. they dropped a rope down there to get her out. now they have to try to saw her out. we'll keep you posted. let's wrap things up now. we'll take a look at this and watch as we get out of here. firefighters trying to knock the wall down to get her out. she's been in there now about three hours. >> she's alert, talking. so that's good news. they're having to support some of the emergency crews out there as they fight to get her out. we'll keep tabs on the situation as well as your local news. we'll have a local news cut-in in about half an hour at 7:25. have a great day. enjoy the beautiful bay area morning. >> see you tomorrow.
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good morning. dangerous mix. a strong winter storm making a mess of the morning commute. rain, sleet and snow stretching from the deep south all the way up into maine. we're tracking that storm live. getting personal. the national rifle association out with a powerful new ad this morning, bringing the president's family into the gun debate. >> aren't your kids more important yours? >> on this very day the president outlines his plan to curb gun violence, the most sweeping plan in decades. a helicopter hits a construction crane and crashes right in the heart of london overnight. at least two people are dead, nine others injured, and an investigation is under way today wednesday, january 16, 2013. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today"h


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